Corporal punishment in schools: Global status and remedial measures

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R K Gorea


Corporal punishment in schools is a global problem but with increasing awareness about its harmful effects many
countries have banned the corporal punishment in schools. In India this problem was quite prevalent and accepted
by the society as it was considered beneficial for the good education of children and still many people are in favor
of it. Now with the media coming in and highlighting the serious problems of corporal punishment, demands have
come to ban it totally. But mere banning and making rules and laws does not completely solve the problem. In this
paper this problem of corporal punishment has been defined, its prevalence mapped and ill effects of corporal
punishment highlighted. Current status of laws and regulations and their utility in India and various parts of the
world has been discussed. Measures have been suggested to curb and eradicate the problem of corporal
punishment in educational institutions.

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How to Cite
Gorea, R. (2015). Corporal punishment in schools: Global status and remedial measures. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, TRAUMA & VICTIMOLOGY, 1(02), 6-8.
Research Article

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