Responsibility for deaths of mothers in sterilization camps
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In developing countries like India, population explosionis a major problem. Without population control,economic growth becomes difficult. To execute familyplanning policy successfully, Government takes the helpof doctors. Doctors are given a target of completing agiven number of tubal ligations in a given geographicalarea in a given time. Doctors could achieve the targetwith the help of paramedical staff. A tragedy happenedin one of the states of India, where in a laparoscopicligation camp, 13 mothers lost their lives. As a facesaving measure doctor was arrested. It is against theruling of Supreme Court of India to arrest a doctorwithout establishing prima facia. The doctor was not atfault for the death of the patients. The death was dueto spurious toxic drugs brought by the Governmentagencies. Doctor was charged as per Indian Penal Codefor causing death due to rash and negligent act.Technically doctor had no hand in causing death.Ironically, the director of the pharmaceutical company,who sold the drugs, was also arrested with much mildercharges. In this tricky incidence who is responsible forthe loss of life of 13 mothers? Was it the government,the doctor or the greedy owner of pharmaceuticalcompany, who sold toxic drugs to satisfy his greed
disregarding life?
disregarding life?
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How to Cite
Jha, M., Majumder, B., & Gorea, A. (2015). Responsibility for deaths of mothers in sterilization camps. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, TRAUMA & VICTIMOLOGY, 1(01), 45-48.
Research Article

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