Introduction of a Pilot Study

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Anupama K
Priyanka Chaudhary
T. Lakshmi


A pilot study investigates whether something is feasible, whether it should be followed by the researchers, and if so, how Pilot research, however, also has a unique design element; it is carried out on a smaller scale than the primary or full-size investigation. In other words, the pilot study is crucial for enhancing the effectiveness and quality of the main study. Additionally, it is carried out to examine the randomization and blinding process, evaluate recruitment potentials, increase researcher experience with the study methods or medications and interventions, and provide estimates for sample size calculation. The misconceptions and the ethical implications of a pilot study are the main topics of this paper. This review also introduces how to interpret the findings of a pilot research

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How to Cite
K, A., Chaudhary, P., & Lakshmi, T. (2024). Introduction of a Pilot Study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, TRAUMA & VICTIMOLOGY, 9(02), 33-35.
Review Articles