Euthanasia - New Guidelines

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Pardeep Singh
Sangeet Dhillon


On dated March 09 2018, the Honorable Supreme Court of India legalized passive euthanasia employing withdrawal of artificial
means of life support to patients who are in a permanent vegetative state as a part of the verdict in the Aruna Shanbaug case
who was on artificial life support until she died in 2015. After passing the bill on passive euthanasia till date not a single case
of euthanasia had been provided in the last four years despite it had been legalized in 2018 because few constraints were
there in this act, which the Honorable Supreme Court of India has eased so that patients who require passive euthanasia can
be provided.

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How to Cite
Singh, P., & Dhillon, S. (2023). Euthanasia - New Guidelines. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, TRAUMA & VICTIMOLOGY, 9(01), 46-47. Retrieved from
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