A Call to Action: Advancing Forensic Nursing in India and Globally

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Jeyadeepa R


Nursing is a caring profession that functions under the scope of practice defined by the regulatory bodies. There are moral and
legal principles guiding the day-to-day practice. The dynamic health needs of society demand widening the scope of practice.
Nurses have to deal with patients met with accidents, assaults, deliberate injuries, exploitation etc in the hospital setup. Similarly,
in public health setup, they may have to deal with cases of domestic violence, child abuse etc. The knowledge of forensic
science will improve their performance in dealing with medico-legal cases. Public health and safety issues are growing day by
day and the authorities are struggling to manage them. Comprehensive multidisciplinary education and training of nurses in
forensic science will be a valuable resource for medico-legal case management. They will be the liaison between the healthcare
institutions and the law enforcement agencies. Only a few institutions in India are conducting forensic nursing courses. Now
the Indian Nursing Council included this subject in the B.Sc Nursing curriculum. Many works of literature support that most
nurses are interested in learning forensic nursing and are curious to learn. To provide quality services, there must be standard
education, a defined practice setting and research opportunities. The scientific knowledge to meet millennium goals is essential.
The science of forensic nursing will provide assistance to combat human destruction through universal presence, coexisting
with forensic medical science and the criminal justice system. A blended multidisciplinary approach with a sound curriculum,
evidence-based practice and research will advance the forensic nursing specialty in India and globally.

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How to Cite
R, J. (2023). A Call to Action: Advancing Forensic Nursing in India and Globally. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, TRAUMA & VICTIMOLOGY, 9(01), 43-45. Retrieved from https://ijetv.org/index.php/IJETV/article/view/1158
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