Cyber Threat on E-hospital - An Unnerving State of National Cyber Security System

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Neelam Ahirwar


The new age war ought not to be fought with guns and grenades but with machines and technologies. The is a huge paradigm
shift in the pattern of the commission of crime. Some years ago, the word crime was synonymous with bloodshed, extortion
and all sorts of physical violence. But now a crime can be committed anywhere in the world with just a click. Technology is a
two-edged sword. On the one hand, where it is helping with online education, online banking, online healthcare facilities and
making life convenient, on the other hand, all these are also increasing the risk of cyber-attacks, hacking, and identity theft-like
issues. Digital forensics is a budding branch but highly in demand due to the increased financial fraud cases. In such a crime,
the target can range from an individual to a whole organization being affected. It is indeed high time to understand the nitty-gritty
of cyber-attacks and come out with ways to curb them. Cyber-attacks have far more fatal consequences than physical attacks.

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How to Cite
Ahirwar, N. (2023). Cyber Threat on E-hospital - An Unnerving State of National Cyber Security System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, TRAUMA & VICTIMOLOGY, 9(01), 35-39. Retrieved from
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