Ethics in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

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Parul Khare
Rakesh K. Gorea


Ethics are valued for centuries. Every professional gets respect if he follows the ethical guidelines set by their professional body. Dentistry is no exception to this. The Dental Council of India has set guidelines for dental practitioners in India. Ethics are more important for the maxillofacial pathologist as it involves the diagnosis of grave situations e.g., oral cancer which has a drastic effect on the future life of the patients so all the professional guidelines must be followed and the privacy of the patients must be maintained, especially in the era of social media. The rights of patients over the submitted tissue must be respected.

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How to Cite
Khare, P., & Gorea, R. K. (2022). Ethics in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, TRAUMA & VICTIMOLOGY, 8(02), 22-24.
Research Article