Complete blood count, cholinesterase, and renal function of organophosphate sprayers in Kulonprogo

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Idha Arfianti Wiraagni


Background: There are several risks to health
associated with pesticide use. The use of Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) can minimize pesticide
exposure to farmers. The aim of this study was to
determine the basic characteristics of farmers, blood
parameters (complete blood count, cholinesterase,
and creatinine), patterns of pesticide use, and the use
of PPE.
Methods: This research was a cross-sectional study,
with total sampling method. The data were taken
from all farmers in Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. Case group was organophosphate sprayers
that have sprayed organophosphate for more than 1
Results: In case of group, there were 36 farmers (31
male and 5 female), while in control group, there
were 11 persons (4 male and 7 female). The mean
blood cholinesterase level in the exposed group was
7.8 ± 2.01Ku/L and in the control group 8.7± 1.56
Ku/L. The mean of exposed group blood urea
nitrogen: 12.08±3.88 mmol/L and control Group:
11.4±3.11 mmol/L. The mean of blood creatinine was
within normal limits (case group: 0.9 ± 0.17mg/dl and
control group: 0.7 ± 0.19 mg/dl), but there were
significant differences between them (p : 0.015).
Conclusions: The results of a complete blood count,
cholinesterase, and renal function in the
organophosphate sprayers In Kulonprogro were
within normal limits. There was an increase of
creatinine levels on exposed group significantly,
although still within normal limit. They have sufficient
rest period for farmers (1 month) in every planting
season. It is necessary to educate farmers about the
importance of using PPE and management of acute
pesticide poisoning.

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How to Cite
Wiraagni, I. (2017). Complete blood count, cholinesterase, and renal function of organophosphate sprayers in Kulonprogo. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, TRAUMA & VICTIMOLOGY, 3(01), 12-20.
Research Article