A critical review: Doctor, torture and Tokyo declaration
Main Article Content
Following World War II, especially after the famous
Nuremberg Trial, involvement of doctors in human
torture came to light. Various international bodies like
UN, WMA, Red Cross, understood the magnitude of this
problem. Tireless effort of these bodies, to protect
humanity against torture by doctors, has, brought
forward several charters, with an aim that individuals
do not suffer from cruelty and degrading treatment.
Duty of doctor as per Hippocratic code of ethics is not
to use professional knowledge to harm humanity.
Regretfully doctors are getting involved in torture,
having forgotten both Hippocratic code of ethics and
the fundamentals of Tokyo declaration –A doctor must
not for any reason, take part in the practice of torture
as the role of doctor is to relieve distress of his/her
fellow person.
Nuremberg Trial, involvement of doctors in human
torture came to light. Various international bodies like
UN, WMA, Red Cross, understood the magnitude of this
problem. Tireless effort of these bodies, to protect
humanity against torture by doctors, has, brought
forward several charters, with an aim that individuals
do not suffer from cruelty and degrading treatment.
Duty of doctor as per Hippocratic code of ethics is not
to use professional knowledge to harm humanity.
Regretfully doctors are getting involved in torture,
having forgotten both Hippocratic code of ethics and
the fundamentals of Tokyo declaration –A doctor must
not for any reason, take part in the practice of torture
as the role of doctor is to relieve distress of his/her
fellow person.
Article Details
How to Cite
KantiJha, M., Majumder, B., & Mazumder, A. (2015). A critical review: Doctor, torture and Tokyo declaration. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, TRAUMA & VICTIMOLOGY, 1(02), 56-58. https://doi.org/10.18099/ijetv.v1i2.6819
Research Article

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