A prospective study of Knot, Ligature Pattern and other External Findings observed in various cases of Hanging in Allahabad; Uttar Pradesh

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Archana Kaul
Virendra Kumar Sonkar
Rajesh Kumar Rai
Alok Kumar
Raj Kumar


Background: Hanging is caused by suspension of the body by a ligature encircling the neck. The person may use any article readily available for this purpose, like a rope, saree, belt, bed sheet etc. Most times, Ligature mark and material may be the only evidence available in deaths due to either hanging or strangulation. Their thorough examination and analysis is extremely helpful in differentiation and provide vital medicolegal information. Material and Method: Present study was conducted among the dead bodies brought to the mortuary of Swaroop Rani Nehru hospital MLN Medical College Allahabad. Out of 2654 cases autopsied during the study period from 01/05/2016 to 30/4/2017; 184 cases (6.93%) were caused by violent asphyxial death. Out of that 120 (65.2%) cases including hanging (94) and strangulation (26) were taken for study. Results and Conclusion: The young adults of the age group of 21-40 years contributed for majority of cases with 66(55%) of cases of hanging and 16(13.3%) of cases of strangulation. The position of knot was seen on the right side in 42(35%) cases. Duppatta was most commonly used ligature material 41(34.16%). The most common external finding was cyanosis seen in 84 (70%) and 26 (21.66%) cases of hanging and strangulation, respectively. Present study provides vital information for the Doctors, Police and concerned authorities in investigating cases of Hanging and strangulation.

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How to Cite
Kaul, A., Sonkar, V., Rai, R., Kumar, A., & Kumar, R. (2019). A prospective study of Knot, Ligature Pattern and other External Findings observed in various cases of Hanging in Allahabad; Uttar Pradesh. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, TRAUMA & VICTIMOLOGY, 5(01), 17-22. https://doi.org/10.18099/ijetv.v5i1.2
Research Article